My purpose, as a REPRESENTATIONAL ARTIST is to portray the beauty of light and color in God's world as I experience it within my heart. These images are a series of watercolors I have painted since my first trip to the Mediterranean in 1992. On this and subsequent trips I have been able to paint this beautiful land not as one who sees it every day, but as a “visitor”, who is awestruck by something fresh and new and at the same time very ancient
by the plein air locations that I teach in throughout the United States
and Mediterranean Europe. When I return to the studio
my passion has increasingly become painting the emotion and spiritual
feeling of place rather than elaborating on the representational imagery
I have already created in the field. I am only using
this internal reference as a jumping off point and I then begin a
conversation with the painting itself in which I allow Its development
to guide my action in an intuitive and responsive manner.
Somewhere toward the end of this dance I engage in a more
proactive way to pull the composition together. I am
working on 300 lb. Hot Pressed Paper with Golden Fluid Acrylics and
Caran d’Arches watercolor pencils which allow me the freedom to respond
as the painting evolves without the limitations of traditional
transparent watercolor.